Elite Entrepreneurial Leaders Virtual Summit

The recordings of a week-long virtual experience bringing the most elite leaders in Entrepreneurship together to help you stand out, get recognised as an expert and win more business.  

The UK’s most influential, inspirational experts and innovative leaders came together in a unique 5 day, live, virtual conference to share their passion, wisdom and experience to help you stand out from the crowd and create the impact you desire.  

What do you get when you bring together passionate industry leaders, inspirational speakers and influential experts for a 5 day virtual conference?  

• A high-energy environment to uplift, motivate and inspire you on your journey to business success, • The opportunity to learn, grow and connect to potential collaborators, like-minded business owners and to enhance your personal development, • The chance to fast-track your leadership skills, stand out from the crowd and boost your business bottom line.

What people thought of the Virtual Summit

Elite Entrepreneurial Leaders Speakers

These hand-picked leaders and experts are revolutionary and evolutionary; they change our perceptions, show us new ways of doing things and create a better life for future generations.  

They know that vanity metrics and reaching random income levels aren’t the goal, but creating an impact and legacy are the way to true success and happiness. 

Steve Smith, Raise The Bar Raising the bar on your performance

Toby Moore, Yappa From Freelancing, to founding, to funding... how to turn ideas into businesses.

Jessica Lorimer Never Get Another NO on a Sales Call

Dorie Clark How to build your portfolio career 

Dale Sidebottom, Entrepreneurial Spark Putting the spark in entrepreneurship

Katie Phillips, The School of Self Love Self love leadership - the secret weapon to creating a successful and fulfilling career

Jenny Garrett, Reflexion Associates Humility and Leadership - making things happen your way.  

Anna Newton, The Anna Edit The business of content creation  

Janet Murray, Soulful PR How to stand out as an authority in your niche  

Helen Pritchard How to position yourself as the expert and win business on LinkedIn  

Lucy McCarraher, Rethink Press Positioning yourself as a leader - The book that changed your life.

Jenny Flintoft Authentic Personal Power and Impact  

Hannah Martin, Talented Ladies Club Six surefire steps to success

Helen Packham - 2017